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LAX NEWS 10/21/24

Hello Lacrosse Families-

Please see below for important off-season information.

MILE HIGH HARVEST TEAM: Coaches will be holding practice for the Mile High Harvest Team this Wednesday 10/23 at GHS from 6:15-7:30 pm. All players should make sure THIS registration/waiver is complete prior to Wednesday. (Please see email sent on 10/20 for more info)

FOOTHILLS FALL LEAGUE: Foothills Fall League starts on Saturday November 2nd. All games will take place on Saturdays at Foothills Sports Arena. We will be opening registration for this league on Wednesday 10/23. Due to the high level of interest from players for this league we will have both a JV and Varsity team for Fall. Rosters will be limited to 22 players per team, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

TEAM STORE: Our team store closes NEXT MONDAY 10/28! We will not have another store until January. If you need to purchase a player pack or want to do any holiday shopping, please get your orders in ASAP! For more information, please see the TeamSnap email sent on 10/14. LINK TO STORE: GHS BOYS LAX TEAM STORE

INDOOR PRACTICES: Indoor practices will start on Friday, November 1st at Foothills Sports Arena! Practices will be held weekly on Fridays from 4:15-5:15 pm through December. All practices are posted on the TeamSnap Calendar.

NEW PLAYERS: Do you know someone interested in playing boys lacrosse for Golden this year? Please send them to our so they can fill out the new player form! We’ll get them added to TeamSnap and make sure they receive communication about off-season opportunities, upcoming lacrosse events, and spring registration!

HELMETS: White Cascade XRS Pro helmets have arrived. They can be ordered on our website or by clicking HERE.

DUFFLE BAGS: Team Bags can be purchased by clicking HERE (Password is: Golden).

KING SOOPERS CARDS: Do you want to help earn money for the boys lacrosse team? It’s easy! All you have to do is update the King Soopers Community Rewards selection on your account! It only takes a minute, and is this simple:⬇

  • 1) Create an account at King Soopers if you don’t already have one.

  • 2) Connect your King Soopers Loyalty Card to GHS Boys Lacrosse (Our Code is DX236)

  • You can do those 2 things at THIS LINK:  King Soopers Community Rewards

  • Once you link your card, all you have to do is shop at King Soopers and enter your phone number at checkout. Thank you! We appreciate your support!

COMMUNICATION: TeamSnap (newsletters and calendar),, and our are the top 3 ways to stay up to date on everything going on!

BOOSTER CLUB MEETING: Our next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 4th at 6:30pm (GHS Library). Everyone is welcome to attend. The Booster Club is key to the success of the boys lacrosse program. We are volunteer driven and volunteer dependent. Any and all help is appreciated!

Have a great week! Go Demons! 🥍

Golden Lacrosse Boosters

Author Golden Lacrosse Boosters

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