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LAX NEWS 12/01/24

Hello Lacrosse Families,

We hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is enjoying the last day of their break. It’s flown by! Please see below for important lacrosse news and off-season information…

HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER: We are excited to have launched our first team fundraiser for the holiday season! We have partnered with Statice Floral and owner/founder Lori Dries to offer some amazing, hand-crafted holiday arrangements & wreaths that are different from anything you can find in the store! Detailed information was sent out via TeamSnap on 11/27.  If you have any questions please email

  • Each player is required to sell a minimum of 4 items, but is encouraged to sell more!

  • All proceeds go directly to the boys lacrosse program to help support the Spring 2025 Season!

  • The order and payment deadline is Saturday 12/7.

MONKEY SPORTS VIP TEAM DISCOUNT EVENT: Monkey Sports is offering a 15% discount December 1st-15th in store or online for our team. Use code : Golden2024 or bring the attached flyer to the store! (Feel free to share the code/flyer with friends and family).

WINTER INFORMATIONAL MEETING: We will be holding an informational meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:30pm (GHS Library) Come meet the coaches and learn more about this year’s program!

TEAM STORE: Team store orders have arrived! You can pick up your items on Tuesday 12/3 before and after the Winter informational meeting in the Library or Wednesday 12/4 from 3:15-4:00 pm near the picnic tables in the main parking lot.

FOOTHILLS WINTER LEAGUE: Foothills Indoor WINTER League will start on Saturday, January 4th! Registration for this league will be sent out the week of December 16th. Rosters will be limited to 20 players per team. If you have any questions please reach out to Coach K at: or Coach Dries at:

OFF-SEASON PRACTICES: Indoor practices will continue on Fridays through December 20th from 4:15-5:15 pm at Foothills Sports Arena (3608 S Kipling St, Denver, CO 80235) There will also be occasional outdoor practices held at GHS based on weather and field availability! All off-season practices are optional and open to all players/all levels. See TeamSnap Calendar for full schedule.

BOOSTER CLUB MEETING: Our next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30pm (GHS Library). Everyone is welcome to attend. The Booster Club is key to the success of the boys lacrosse program. We are volunteer driven and volunteer dependent. Any and all help is appreciated!

NEW PLAYERS: Do you know someone interested in playing boys lacrosse for Golden this year? Please send them to our website  www.demonslacrosse.comso they can fill out the new player form! We’ll get them added to TeamSnap and make sure they receive communication about off-season opportunities, upcoming lacrosse events, and spring registration!

HELMETS: White Cascade XRS Pro helmets have arrived. They can be ordered on our website or by clicking HERE

TEAM DUFFLE BAGS: Team Bags can be purchased by clicking HERE(Password is: Golden)

KING SOOPERS CARDS: Do you want to help earn money for the boys lacrosse team? It’s easy! All you have to do is update the King Soopers Community Rewards selection on your account! It only takes a minute, and is this simple:⬇

  • 1) Create an account at King Soopers if you don’t already have one.

  • 2) Connect your King Soopers Loyalty Card to GHS Boys Lacrosse (Our Code is DX236)

  • You can do those 2 things at THIS LINK:  King Soopers Community Rewards

  • Once you link your card, all you have to do is shop at King Soopers and enter your phone number at checkout. Thank you! We appreciate your support!

COMMUNICATION: TeamSnap (newsletters and calendar), Instagram, and our website are the top 3 ways to stay up to date on everything going on!

Go Demons!


Golden Lacrosse Boosters

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